Thursday, February 21, 2008

Spring Green

I just finished my next set of 6 postcards. I used a bright green fabric (the colors do not show up well in this photo) for the background and added long lines of straight stitching in bright colors. I wanted to have solid yellow circles, but nothing in my stash seemed right. Then I saw it - the bright yellow duct tape! It was just the ticket. My only mishap was forgetting about the duct tape and briefly ironing on the front of one card! I doodled with some metallic blue paint to cover the damage.

We've had some very welcome sun-drenched days and the crocuses are blooming. Spring seems to be on the way and I wanted to bring some of that freshness and whimsy to the cards. I hope the recipients get a smile with their cards.

Finished Card

Painted Mistake

Back of cards

Monday, February 18, 2008


I finally finished the postcards and put them in the mail last week. Each has additional painting and a small heart of microbeads. Each card also has a small picture on the back so recipients know their card is part of a group.

Things have been hectic lately, but I hope they settle down soon so I can get back to my art. :-)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Group Postcards

Today I finished the main stitching on the overall heart design. I even like the way the stitching looks on the back!

I covered everything with contact paper and sticker hearts before adding some metallic paints. I used a small roller for the teal and a brush for the purple.

Then, I removed the stickers. I will play a bit more with this before cutting into 6 postcards and embellishing further.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Yellow Bow

Just grabbed the two closest pieces of wool felt and found some contrasting embroidery floss. First did a running stitch around the heart, then wove the yellow through the running stitches to make the loops. I finished with a bow so I wouldn't have to finish off the thread, then couched the "tails" of the bow. Of course, I just had to add a button. I thought I'd try spray starch to protect the loops, but it also wound up flattening everything.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Cold Day, Warm Heart

We haven't actually had much snow for a few days, but some of the raindrops are slushy and my daughter had 2 snow days this week. We may even get some flakes overnight. The first half of my week was spent preparing many last minute details for the basketball tournament our school is hosting. The rest of the week has been focused on taking photos, supervising students taking photos (part of their final exam) and preparing photos for sharing in slide shows and eventually on our school website. I've been working 10 to 12+ hour days. I left after only 10 today because I'm beat and still fighting the beginnings of a cold (and I had to do laundry so I can go back to work tomorrow!). Another full day tomorrow, a few hours of meetings on Sunday (my daughter is going on a mission trip to Burkina Faso, Africa, in July), then I plan to put on my PJs, curl up on the couch and enjoy the Super Bowl!

Art has taken a back seat this week, but I have sketched and worked on the big heart that will become postcards. Today I made a quick wool heart with rustic stitches and a silvery snowflake just to honor our chilly week.