Monday, February 4, 2008

Group Postcards

Today I finished the main stitching on the overall heart design. I even like the way the stitching looks on the back!

I covered everything with contact paper and sticker hearts before adding some metallic paints. I used a small roller for the teal and a brush for the purple.

Then, I removed the stickers. I will play a bit more with this before cutting into 6 postcards and embellishing further.


Fannie said...

Hi, DeBee~
You've been tagged. ;-D
See my blog dated Friday, February 15 if you want to play. Participation is voluntary--no obligation.

So Much To See said...

Well, it is probably obvious by now I never got around to playing tag. Darn. Maybe next time. Just think, in September my younger daughter heads off to College... I should have LOTS more play time then! (though I will miss her terribly, too!)