Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Latest Art

This year I have to teach US History. Me and History, friends? Not really. So, teaching it again (I muddled through two years ago) stands as a challenge to my days. The four boys in my class are nearly non-readers, so there is no "read chapter 5 tonight, we'll have a quiz tomorrow" kind of lessons. Everything must be basic and clear in class.

After struggling through a month and getting nowhere, I had to rethink my entire approach to teaching this class. I looked at the state required standards for history. I looked through the textbook I was given. I knew I couldn't teach the entire book, so tried to decide the important concepts.

About this time I finally found an old suitcase to alter, though it was a bit larger than I had wanted. Right there in the Goodwill checkout line it hit me! I would use my altered suitcase and create a Kidspace style model inside to represent our topic. It would be hands-on and visual for my students and I would also have fun!

Our first topic is immigration. Here is the grand tour...

All those old books and magazines I've collected donated the outside photos. Those who know me will quickly notice the paint - metallics: russet and gold. The maps and other pictures inside were culled from weeks of internet research. (I found the best historic map site! (David Rumsey Map Collection)

I introduced the suitcase yesterday and let them explore. I told them nothing except everything inside goes together; they had to guess what it was all about. They were not to discuss their guesses with each other. When they had an idea, they came to my "booth" and described what they thought. I gave a prize to the one who guessed the closest.

Today, they began identifying the 6 maps and answering questions about the cities and countries represented. Tomorrow we begin working on family trees and I introduce them to They will see my tree and start to learn about one of the 4 immigrants we are studying - my great-great-grandfather.

We'll see in a month if my scheme actually works. At least I'm having a good time!

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