Thursday, December 20, 2007

Constructed Heart #20

Okay. So where's the heart? I decided to liberally interpret the concept of "heart" yesterday. (Actually, since I made the "rules" for making the hearts and they are just for me, I am free to interpret them in any way I want.) :-) It is art. It is constructed.

I work with the most amazing people. They come from a variety of cultures, backgrounds, experiences and opinions. We can have some great "discussions" in which there are few agreements. From the outside it would seem we have little in common and are unlikely to be friends.But we are. I am fascinated that we are so closely knit - even with new faces joining the staff. I can only surmise that it is our unified commitment to providing the best education for our students that binds us together. We can set aside our personal interests (at times) for the good of the kids. I am blessed to work with such a great group of individuals.

Most of you don't know that one of my creative mediums is food. My younger daughter and I cook competitively and invent recipes. This little creation was in honor of my colleagues. We have had a tough year with many changes and challenges. Yet they continue to put the students first and support each other. I wanted to invent a new holiday recipe and dedicate it to them and name it in their honor.

The delight pictured above is a Panther Holiday Dipper. It consists of apple-chipotle seasoned ham bites and a special cranberry-ginger sauce (made from fresh cranberries). - a bit of heat and spice, familiar holiday flavors and enough of a twist to make it uniquely theirs.

My heart is definitely "in there."


Gayle said...

And it was delicious.

As Prince said, "Make the rules, and break them all cuz you are the best."


morningDove said...

I like this heart recipe - actually looking at it reminds me of what a real heart looks like. My mouth was watering at your description in making it and the ingredients.

Gayle said...

If you haven't seen Debbie's classroom, and her at work with the kids, you have no idea how great she is!

This blog alone is just one little clue.

I run into her room almost daily, freaking out over some small thing or another, and she just calmly helps. Just makes it better. And I realize I am swearing, and that offends her; and I am holding a coffee cup, which is against her rules; and I am plopping down at her computer during her prep, which just isn't cool. And she will just move my cup to a safe place, put her hand on my shoulder and in between printings, walks over and makes everything better. And I leave, laughing. And I come back later for the forgotten coffee cup.